I’m no longer surprised when I ask a potential client for a copy of their Mission Statement, only to get a sheepish grin or a blank stare. It’s usually a well-intended person who, well, has let life get in the way.
What they fail to realize is that one piece of paper can be the difference between success and failure. But … it’s not about the paper. So what IS it about?
1. First of all, it’s about direction. Much like taking a cross-country trip from coast to coast without a map, you may just get there, but you’ll get lost many times along the way. Wasted time, wasted use of resources, stress, aggravation. By creating a clear, concise Mission Statement, you firmly establish direction.
2. It’s about momentum. As one travels along, the mind begins to switch from focusing on the long trip ahead to anticipating the arrival. As you measure the distance that you’ve come, you begin to get energized. A Mission Statement allows you to measure progress very effectively.
3. It standardizes delivery of your product or service. If everyone is working together toward a common goal, the synergy can result in dynamic things. It’s easy to tell when someone needs help if they stray away from the core mission of the company or team.
4. It empowers employees. Studies show that one of the keys to keeping employees happy (and thus productive) is to provide them with clear expectations. We’ll talk more about that in future posts, but a Mission Statement is a great place to start setting your expectations. And while a Mission Statement is not the same thing, in my opinion, as a Value Statement, your core values can be interwoven into your Mission Statement, thereby becoming part of the fabric of your business
Any business strategy, business plan or marketing plan should mirror the mission of the Company or business, which in turn drives the culture branding.
In my next post, we’ll cover the key elements to a winning Mission Statement. My challenge to you is for you to start thinking about what your core values and beliefs are, as a company and what you ultimately want the public to think of when they see or hear your name.
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